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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

When I was a young girl, okay, before most people can remember, I used to enter the flower-arranging contest our elementary school held each spring. I wasn’t good at much, but I seemed to have a knack for arranging flowers. Fortunately, I had plenty of opportunity to find the ones I needed.

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

What Was Noah Thinking?

Squirrels: Are they my least favorite mammal? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on who’s living under my deck at the moment. Raccoons or skunks? One time I had a woodchuck, another a possum. But are any of them as unrelenting as squirrels? Well, okay, yeah, they are. But let’s get back to my “pet” peeve of the moment: Squirrels.

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

Since You Didn’t Ask

Does anyone else read the New York Times book review section and wonder about the “authors” in the “By the Book” section? I use “authors” in quotes because a lot of the authors the Times chooses are celebrities and not those slogging away, day after day, to create a cacophony of words for your delight.

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

The Name Game

I, the second born, was named Carolyn Ann, the Carolyn after my grandmother Caroline, called Carrie. The year I was born was a big year for everything Carol. In my elementary school class there were four Carols and there was I. I have gone through life being called everything except Carolyn. It’s Carol, or Carol Ann, or Caroline. But I happen to like Carolyn. One time a friend asked me what my Hebrew name was. I told her, “It’s Carolyn.”

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

My Wedding

But back to my preparations for what would be my first and only wedding. So far. No morning of pampering, no make up artist or hair stylist, no decent shower because everyone had taken a shower before me and the water was COLD!.

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

The Great Escape

My father’s parents were immigrants from Eastern Europe. Despite the fact that my father topped six feet, his father was five feet two and his mother barely five feet. In fact, all seven children were taller than the parents.

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

The Block

Passing through Oneida, New York, I stop the car where I always stop, in front of the apartment house on Sconondoa Street that bears the name “Paul” on its keystone. Even now I can see my grandfather, with his watery blue eyes, his body bent double due to polio, standing on the stoop, tilting himself backward, waving at me. Would that he were still with us, the man whom I loved with all my heart.

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

My House is Falling Apart and so am I

Does anyone else have nightmares about their house? Last night—and may I say I never sleep through the night anymore—I had several fleeting dreams, mostly about the house. I cannot remember most of them. They leave me anxious and forlorn. But the one I do remember is about my garage door. It wasn’t working.

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