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From Port to Ham to Home
Well, folks and fellow travelers, I had a premonition that our cruise was going to be difficult, one surrounded by an aura of disappointment. I’m not Cassandra. And yet——!
From Port to Ham: It Begins!
Dear fellow followers of the Babes: With the world in such a perilous state, why are we taking another cruise? Because we signed up for it ages ago before the crap fell from the skies.
Babes Get Lei’d!
We’re at it again. The clothes and makeup critic (of her mother) and I are setting off on another cruise adventure.
I’m an Old Woman
Like most seventy-nine-year-olds, I tend to feel as if I’m in my thirties, forties on a bad day. So when reality smacks me in the face, my tendency is to snarl and fight back. However, when our guide in Valencia was extolling the values of Spanish ham and I thought he was talking about Spanish hats, I know there’s a problem