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I’m an Old Woman
Like most seventy-nine-year-olds, I tend to feel as if I’m in my thirties, forties on a bad day. So when reality smacks me in the face, my tendency is to snarl and fight back. However, when our guide in Valencia was extolling the values of Spanish ham and I thought he was talking about Spanish hats, I know there’s a problem
The Cruise That Wasn’t
Our flight from Chicago to Munich went well. All we then had to do was transfer from that international flight to a local flight to Venice. Too bad about the buses Lufthansa had on offer to take us between connections.
Being Short—and Shrinking
I reached the gigantic height of five feet two during the age of my most profusive bloom. Now that the bloom is definitely off the rose, I’m five—uh, five feet nothing. I could really use those two inches back.
The Toilet Situation
Does a single woman living alone in a three-bedroom house really need three toilets with bidet seats? The overwhelming answer to that is—Yes, damn it!
The Cheese Is Unappreciated
As my physical ability declines, thanks in large part to a broken ankle, due to Lufthansa’s uneven steps on their buses, I reflect on a childhood full of snubs regarding my fitness as a team player.
After a Long Absence—Rain!
But I remember the rain. The rain on the roof. Lying in bed and hearing the comforting, cleansing rain.
Novels That May Never Be Finished: Part 2
Annabelle Bellmarsh was cursed by the men in her life.
Novels That May Never Be Completed: Series 1
“You killed your husband?” Merl was hardly awake when her sister called and blurted out the news.
Was It Ever Thus?
The day for departure came. It was a month after graduation, plenty of time to prepare, also plenty of time for your love to let you know if she had changed her mind about the elopement. This you couldn’t imagine as it was true love and true love lasts forever.
Did George Orwell Know About Baa Baa?
Well, there was the man servant and the maid servant and the little boy down the lane, who was their little boy, and here they were all of a sudden with three bags of wool. “Let’s get busy, the maid servant said.
The Great Escape
Twenty years ago to the day there was a free and fair election that brought to power a politician you were proud to vote for because he was for the people and you were, let’s face it, people.
Serial Killer?
The fog always brought something primal out in Misty. When it was sunny, she was sunny, all happiness and light. But it was in the darkest part of her soul that she really felt alive, so she longed for the days of the deep fog, where she could linger in that miasma of the unexpected.
Oh, Grandma!
If you have a grandmother, she’s probably shown you her spoon collection. You probably pretended to be fascinated. Oh, yes, Grandma, there’s your spoon from a silver mine in South Dakota. That must have been an exciting trip. Yeah, you’re faking it big time.
But Who’s Counting?
I have always had problems with numbers, along with a history of failure—as in: I cannot fail to mention that, despite my brilliance, my SAT math score was well below average. Can I still remember it? Does humiliation ever leave us or are we left constantly unmoored?
That Crazy Mixed-up Kid
Prince Harry, formerly valued member of the British royal family, made the decision to step away from the limelight and live a quiet life of introspection with a wife who equally values privacy and shies away from the press and all publicity.
Wait! What was that Oprah interview all about?