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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

Introverted? Me?

At home in the flatlands, I’m fortunate in that there are many walking paths I can take, either in the neighborhood or within a ten-minute drive. But I have a problem. I’m addicted to solitude. I don’t want to see another walker, I don’t want to have to say hello to someone with her dog, or to wonder if the person is talking to me or is on her phone, talking to whomever.

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

Something About a Bird

As Erin related this whole tragic series of events to us, I tried to contain my hysterics—laughter—while others of our group expressed such a deep feeling of empathy I had to wonder—are they joking? But, oh no. It seemed that every single person came up with their own bird story.

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

DNA and Me

So what did I gain from this course—aside from the few dates with the instructor after the semester was over and I ended up with a A? I think I gained an appreciation of how varied we all are, how we have evolved or devolved over the eons of time.

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

The Kushner Christmas Tree

When I married my Israeli husband so many years ago, I had a feeling that would be the end of the Christmas tree for me. Saving the forest one Hanukkah candle at a time? But Christmas trees were part of my youth. A festive part? Let’s not go there. Yet.

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

Enough Already!

Why is every single day cluttered with things I don’t want to do? Why do the clothes need washing and folding and being put away? Why does the dishwasher need emptying? Why is there crap on the floor that wasn’t there yesterday, and why do I have to get out the vacuum cleaner to take care of it?

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

I Married a Klutz

Where is the likes of Victor Borge now! Well, okay, we still have Mel Brooks and his brilliant movies and Carl Reiner’s laugh-out-loud “Enter Laughing.” But really, there would be long stretches before I found something to laugh at. Perhaps that’s why I married my husband. He has provided a constant, if perhaps unwitting, source of amusement.

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

When I was a young girl, okay, before most people can remember, I used to enter the flower-arranging contest our elementary school held each spring. I wasn’t good at much, but I seemed to have a knack for arranging flowers. Fortunately, I had plenty of opportunity to find the ones I needed.

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

What Was Noah Thinking?

Squirrels: Are they my least favorite mammal? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on who’s living under my deck at the moment. Raccoons or skunks? One time I had a woodchuck, another a possum. But are any of them as unrelenting as squirrels? Well, okay, yeah, they are. But let’s get back to my “pet” peeve of the moment: Squirrels.

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

Since You Didn’t Ask

Does anyone else read the New York Times book review section and wonder about the “authors” in the “By the Book” section? I use “authors” in quotes because a lot of the authors the Times chooses are celebrities and not those slogging away, day after day, to create a cacophony of words for your delight.

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Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad Inside C.A. Haddad Judy Haddad

The Name Game

I, the second born, was named Carolyn Ann, the Carolyn after my grandmother Caroline, called Carrie. The year I was born was a big year for everything Carol. In my elementary school class there were four Carols and there was I. I have gone through life being called everything except Carolyn. It’s Carol, or Carol Ann, or Caroline. But I happen to like Carolyn. One time a friend asked me what my Hebrew name was. I told her, “It’s Carolyn.”

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