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Why is Everyone Bored When I Talk About My Flowers?
That garden used to be filled with coneflowers, but then the black-eyed susans came along and kapow. There went the garden. They didn’t affect the tiger lilies, but the poor coneflowers were defeated. Only now, several years later have they started to come back. I’m watching for the pernicious yellow to rear its beautiful but deadly head.
Our Last Independence Day?
Now we have another one, poised to become president again. Do we lack the moral stamina to stop him? Could it be that we’re so long from our quest for freedom that we’re no longer patriotic? We forget how we fought against tyranny to establish a union dedicated to liberty and justice for all.
Why Are You Here?
I truly don’t understand the Israel/Gaza protests happening around the world but especially in the United States of America. I’m especially puzzled by the protests on college campuses, especially the “elite” ones that are costing parents over $100,000 a year. So I have to ask those students, why are you here? If you truly believe in your cause, why aren’t you in Gaza?
Things That Annoy Me—Today
As those of you who have followed me may realize by now that every day I face a new annoyance. As my son said, I live to complain. Do you know that pessimists are more realistic and thus know how to grab fun when they see it, which makes them more positive than an optimist? Is that true? Who the hell knows, but I choose to believe it.
Expressions I Hate
How much effort does it take to say, “Les Miserable?” None. Does saying “Les Mis” make you feel in with the in crowd? Or do you just not know the real source of “Les Mis?” Or, here’s another thought. Maybe you’ve read the novel and found it dragging in spots, so you abridged it, the same way you abridged the title. Here I’m giving you some credit. Take it while you can. But what about “The Three Musketeers?” Do you ever say, “Have you seen ‘Les Trois?’” Something to consider.
What’s Worth Fighting Over?
Wills, bequests, the pain thereof: I bring this subject up because several people I know are dealing with this situation right now, and they aren’t happy about it. Will the fabric of the family be ripped apart by a will?
Where are the Snows of Yesteryear?
I’m sure there was a time in my life when I was excited by snow. Isn’t every child?
Chairs and the Art of Silence
Even now, living alone in what some might call old age, those “some” being my children and the help at Costco, who see me coming and get their wand ready to check out heavy items—and yes, I am old enough to buy that bottle of bourbon—I have spaces for absolute silence where my thoughts can wander. In other words, I have chairs.
It’s the Little Things
I had a day to unpack before—wham—woke up with a massive headache, tested myself and have now joined the ranks of Covid sufferers. Is any air safe to breath?
Some Days I Just Don’t Care
I used to care so much about everything, get all hot and bothered, worried about what was happening on planet earth, but now, well, what the hell, why bother? The seven deadly sins will always exist. The four horsemen are still on the war path. Life will go on without me. And I’ll go on without life.
Time to Face Your Own Truth
You weep for the children of Palestine, their mothers, their fathers, their grandparents, as do we all. But you go a step further. You applaud the rape, the murder, the dismemberment, the burning to death of the citizens of Israel, who weren’t only Jews, but also Arabs and Thais.
I’ve Got Game
Am I obsessed with Jelly Juice? No. It’s a time filler for when I don’t want to think of other things I should be doing, like figuring out health care choices now that it’s open season again.
Old Photos
In my continuing efforts to clean out the basement, I found a bin with old photos, yes, from real film, before digital took over the world. The only question I can ask myself is how did I allow myself to get so fat!
My husband, may I label him the ultimate hoarder? He has moved to assisted living, I’m left with the detritus. He saved test papers from high school on. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. From bin to trash in one easy step. Well, not so easy, three steps really and carrying them isn’t fun.
Am I a Good Citizen of the World?
I said to myself, Carolyn, here’s the opportunity to make the world a better place. So several days later I drove—okay, that sort of negates making the world a better place, but it was too far to walk—to the Container Store and bought myself a kitchen counter composter.
Happy Birthday—Why Not?
I like remembering my friends’ birthdays. Two of them I’ve known since we were eighteen years old and in college together.